關係副詞 (when, where, why) 如同關係代名詞 ,引導關係子句(又稱形容詞子句)修飾先前的名詞或名詞片語。然而,關係代名詞說明「人」、「事」或「物」的關係,關係副詞卻是敍述「時間」、「地方」或「原因」的關係。
關係副詞通常取代介系詞 (in, at, on, for) 和關係代名詞 which 。
This is the restaurant in which we met last week.This is the restaurant where we met last week.
關係副詞 where 取代 "in which", 並且連接兩個子句:"This is the restaurant" 和 "we met last week"。
關係副詞 where 代替先前出現過的表示「地方」的先行詞,它所引導的形容詞子句(關係子句)" where we met last week"用來修飾先行詞"the restaurant"。
Please contact the park at which you want to volunteer. Please contact the park where you want to volunteer.
關係副詞 where 取代 "at which", 並且連接兩個子句:"Please contact the park" 和 "you want to volunteer"。
關係副詞 where 代替先前出現過的表示「地方」的先行詞,它所引導的形容詞子句(關係子句)"where you want to volunteer"用來修飾先行詞"the park"。
Sunday is the day on which we usually clean our house. Sunday is the day when we usually clean our house.
關係副詞 when 取代 "on which" 並且連接兩個子句:"Sunday is the day" 和 "we usually clean our house"。
關係副詞 when 代替先前出現過的表示「時間」的先行詞,它所引導的形容詞子句(關係子句)"when we usually clean our house"用來修飾先行詞"the day"。
Tell me the reason for which you came home late.Tell me (the reason) why you came home late.
關係副詞 why 取代 "for which" 並且連接兩個子句:"Tell me (the reason)" 和 "you came home late"。"the reason"也可以被省略。
關係副詞 why 代替先前出現過的表示「理由」的先行詞,它所引導的形容詞子句(關係子句)"why you came home late"用來修飾先行詞"the reason"。
This is the shop in which I bought my backpack.→ This is the shop _______ I bought my backpack.
(A) where (B) why (C) when
關係副詞 where 修飾表示「地方」的先行詞 the shop。
關係副詞 why 修飾表示「理由」的先行詞 the reason。
I remember the day _______ we first met.
(A) why (B) where (C) when
關係副詞 when 修飾表示「時間」的先行詞 the day。
Here's the reason _______ I did it.
(A) when (B) where (C) why
why = for which, 關係副詞 why 修飾表示「理由」的先行詞 the reason。