“How do you eat an elephant?”
“One bite at a time.” 一次一小口。
“How do you learn the basic 1200 words?”
“One step at a time.” 一次一小步。
a, the, I, you, it, my, me, we, is, and, can, see, look, make, run, jump, come, go, said, help, find, play, one, two, three, red, blue, yellow, funny, big, little, to, for, in, down, not, up, here, away, where
- It is big. 它好大.
You can go. 你可以走了.
Look down! 往下看!
You can play. 你可以玩.
Help me! 幫幫我!
Go away! 走開!
It is yellow. 它是黃色的.
It is funny. 它是有趣的.
Come and find me! 來找到我!
Look for me! 來找我!
Look in here! 看這裡!
I jump away. 我跳開.
Go and find it! 去找到它!
Dr. Dolch 在西元1948年出版的書《Problems in Reading》中把當時一般兒童讀物最常出現的220個單字分成五組:前初階、初階、一年級、二年級和三年級(請見上表)。這220個字,除了upon(介系詞:在…之上)外,也全都在我們的『千字表』之內,而以上所提的最基本40個單字,就是Dolch 所謂前初階的字組。您在循序漸進學會這220個字之後,閱讀一般兒童書籍時,就可以駕輕就熟了。
How do you eat an elephant? — One bite at a time.