參考字表 — 依字母排序

A stroke can hit anyone at any time, and if it does, you nee...

Why did A-hua cry this morning?

You can't _______ Tasty Bakery's meat pie! It's so delicious...

Which is NOT true about Lynn?

My dog, Lucy, was lying on the sofa ______ the fan on the wa...

The pie at your party ______ good. Where did you buy it?

John: What's wrong with Wendy'? Jean: Her knees hurt. S...

The traffic light turned red when I was going to cross the r...

When the kid was trying to pick up the plate, it _______ fro...

Gisele: My dad’s taking me to play the Dye-Out game this Sat...

How did Sarah “take care of” the man behind her?

Where does Josie work?

What does The idea mean in the reading?

What can we learn from the news report?

The little girl was ______ by a truck on her way home and wa...

Englishman Robert Scott is known for leading two trips to An...

Last night a garbage truck hit a tree and turned over. Now t...

What idea is talked about in both pieces of news?

What is the trick that the mosquito uses in rain?
