參考詞彙表 — 依詞性分類


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級別 字詞 中文釋義
第1級 aren't are not
第1級 can't cannot (can 的反義)
第1級 couldn't could not
第1級 didn't did not
第1級 doesn't does not
第1級 don't do not
第1級 hadn't had not
第1級 hasn't has not
第1級 haven't have not
第1級 he'd he had; he would
第1級 he'll he will
第1級 he's he is; he has
第1級 how's how is
第1級 I'd I had; I would
第1級 I'll I shall, I will
第1級 I'm I am
第1級 isn't is not
第1級 it'll it will
第1級 it's it is; it has
第1級 I've I have
第1級 let's let us
第1級 mightn't might not
第1級 mustn't must not
第1級 nobody's nobody is; nobody has
第1級 she'd she had; she would
第1級 she'll she will
第1級 she's she is; she has
第1級 shouldn't should not
第1級 somebody's somebody is; somebody has
第1級 that's that is
第1級 there's there is; there has
第1級 they'd they would
第1級 they'll they will
第1級 they're they are
第1級 they've they have
第1級 wasn't was not
第1級 we'd we had; we would
第1級 we'll we will
第1級 we're we are
第1級 weren't were not
第1級 we've we have
第1級 what's what is
第1級 when's when is
第1級 where's where is
第1級 who'd who had; who would
第1級 who's who is; who has
第1級 won't will not
第1級 wouldn't would not
第1級 you'd you had; you would
第1級 you'll you will
第1級 you're you are
第1級 you've you have

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