與 which 有關的考題

Do you remember the girl ______ looked worried at the train ...

The idea of this great movie comes from _____ which has alre...

James: Do you see the street vendor over there? Philip:...

Which is the picture that Karen sent Wendy?

Why did the writer go to Heartland?

Spring is a wonderful season because _____ is usually warm a...

Jacky would like to bring that poor dog back home, but he is...

Elsa lives in Green Park. She took the train to the beach an...

Which is true about Silver Hut?

Which is true about Andy's vacation?

What does Mary tell John in her letter?

Linda will take a trip to Europe this summer. She wants to v...

School is over at 5:00 in the afternoon from Monday to Frida...

In which of the following months is Marami the coldest?

Andrew: Good morning, may I help you? Gordon: I'd like...

I like to read comic books _____ me laugh.

Kevin: _____ sweater looks better on me, the red one or the ...

Which is true about Hawawa Hotel?

A-wei: This typhoon is so terrible! A-fen: Yes, I'm not...

Which of the following is Sharon's cousin?

June 23 is Mrs. Wu's birthday. Her husband is going to take ...

Which is true about the cute little dog?

Which is true about Sadako?

Which is the best title for the reading?

Selina's grandparents are visiting Selina for three days nex...

Willy found ______ the novel he bought last week was under h...

Which class has the most girls?

Scott Rossi enjoys watching cartoons. Today he has a math cl...

Do you know _____ student left the book outside?

Look at the picture. Which sentence is true?

The calendar shows the month of February. Which sentence is ...

You may have this piece of cake, or you may have _____ one.

Which answer might Teacher Wang give for Question 1?

Which sentence is not true?

Which answer might the nurse give for Question 1?

Fu-ming wants to learn how bicycles are built. Which chapter...

Robert wants to spend the least time on a bus. Which bus sho...

Which was the most popular sport?

Which country was chosen most often?

According to the ad, which sentence is true?

Which TV channels have news programs after 8 p.m.?

Which is the best title for this article?

Look at the picture. Which sentence is not true?

In what year was Daniel Radcliffe chosen to play Harry Potte...

Which is true about Sean?

Which is most likely the picture of the twins in the reading...

Emma: _____ umbrella is it? Sherry: It's Ann's. She fo...

Grace enjoys collecting old bags and clothes. If she takes a...

Which picture shows Greenton today?

Alice learned from the TV news _____ Nora Jones was coming t...

Kathy: _____ your French class, Jerry? Jerry: I couldn...

Which is true about Miss Chang?

Which is true about Sara's house?

What does a “word house” look like?

Lisa is new here, so she doesn't know ______ the restroom is...

Alice and John want to watch a movie in the morning. Which t...

Which is true about the bus route?

According to Luke, which will help solve Angela's problem?

Which is true?

Which is true about grizzlies?

At dinner time, I often enjoy telling Mom everything ______ ...

What is the best title for the reading?

Which is the best logo for the Big Dream Summer Camp?

Which is true about the basketball club?

Which song does NOT change its place this week?

Which is said about The Flying Hat ?

Beatrice loves to draw apples. You can see _______ in her no...

Which is NOT true about Lynn?

Which is NOT said about Carefree Helpline?

Which is NOT said about dancing?

Here are four sentences from the Word Museum. Which is most ...

What is talked about in the newspaper report ?

Which idea is NOT implied in the reading?

What can we learn about Proust from this reading?

Joan: Which looks good on me? The black shirt or the red shi...

My mother likes to tell me the story about my name, Stella. ...

Kate just spent the Christmas holidays in Aqua City. Which p...

Which is true?

Which is NOT said or implied in the reading?

What is the writer trying to say?

Below is what Stan drew for his report. It shows the number ...

What does the webpage of www.sweethome.com/mothergoose loo...

About Shakespeare and Company which is NOT talked about in t...

Look at the pictures. Which sign should be put on the ben...

Somewhere along the road, _______ a shop which sells things ...

I was surprised to know from the newspaper yesterday _______...

Which is NOT said about the book in the reading?

Which is NOT true about the report?

Below are the cards which four kids have taken since they be...

What does it mean when someone is in a calamitous state ?

Chris: Which ______ looks better on me? Penny: I think ...

Which is most likely true about the speaker in the reading?

All the excuses Nick made ______ a lot about how much he hat...

Which season is this poem about?

From the news story, which fact is seen as a new turn ?

There ______ more than twenty clubs in our school. Which one...

Which is true about City Sight Bus tickets?

Which is the best title for this reading?

Which idea is talked about in the news?

From the ad, which is true about Sunny Sun pictures?

From the reading, which picture best shows the “bain-marie” ...

Lynn took some photos at Tom's party. Which is most likely o...

While reading this story, Brad saw the word “trolling” and d...

Which idea is talked about in the first paragraph of the rea...

Which map is most likely the map of Cameroon in 1962?

According to the notes, which is the WRONG way to help a bab...

According to the reading, which is one of the reasons for fo...

What is the trick that the mosquito uses in rain?

What idea does Jesse Cohen talk about in the reading?

Kevin is going to buy some fresh bread at Baker's Kitchen. H...
