
全民英檢 | 學測/指考 | 國中會考

高中英文參考詞彙 第1級第2級第3級第4級第5級

LIFE WATER® helps bring back a clear head.

LIFE WATER® is made from special high-mountain flowers.

You need LIFE WATER® when you

feel thirsty after exercise,
work in the office a long time, or
party all night.

For only a little money, you will feel great again!

Get LIFE WATER® at the stores near your house NOW!

If you are taking any special medicine or have stomach problems, please check with the doctor before buying LIFE WATER®.

最後一句 "If you are taking any special medicine or have stomach problems, please check with the doctor before buying LIFE WATER.", doctor 前不宜用定冠詞 the,應該用 a 或 your,徵詢「一位」或「您的」醫師。
"If you are taking any special medicine or have stomach problems, please check with a/your doctor before buying LIFE WATER."
1. What is LIFE WATER® for?
(A) Helping children grow better and faster.
(B) Making people feel better and fresher.
(C) Taking care of the sick in the hospital.
(D) Keeping people away from heart problems.


2. Which is said about LIFE WATER®?
(A) It is made from spring water in the mountains.
(B) It is not expensive.
(C) It cannot be sold without a doctor.
(D) It is also good for the stomach.
