使役動詞 (Causative Verbs)

使役動詞let、make、have、get 、help。這些動詞具有「使(某人)做(某事)」或「使(某事)發生」的意涵。

使役動詞 let

使役動詞 let 有「讓、允許」的意思。使役動詞 let 後面的動詞必須是動詞原式(不帶 to 的不定詞)。

let(允許) +
+ 動詞原式

If you need any help, let me know.


使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 know。

If I finish my homework before eight o'clock, Mom will let me watch TV for one hour.


使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 watch。
較 let 更為正式的動詞是 allow,但 allow 後面必須跟著帶 to 的不定詞。
If I finish my homework before eight o'clock, Mom will allow me to watch TV for one hour.

Will your boss let you leave early tomorrow?


使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 leave。
較 let 更為正式的動詞是 permit,但 permit 後面必須跟著帶 to 的不定詞。
Will your boss permit you to leave early tomorrow?

註:上面三個例句的使役動詞 let 的受詞都是指「人」。

Don’t let your ambition ruin your life.


使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 ruin。

I shouldn’t let my emotion affect my decision.


使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 affect。

Let the steak rest for 5 minutes before slicing it.

切片前讓牛排靜置 5 分鐘。

使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 rest。

註:上面三個例句的使役動詞 let 的受詞都是指「事物」。

使役動詞 let 後面必須跟著不帶 to 的不定詞 fail。

使役動詞 let 後面必須用動詞原式 guide。

使役動詞 make

使役動詞 make 有點「強迫」某人去做某事的意思。使役動詞 make 後面的動詞必須是動詞原式。

make (強迫) + + 動詞原式

Mother makes me finish my homework every day before I can play video games.


題目來源:92年第一次國中基測英語科第10題。make 後面的不定詞 to 必須省略。

You can't make her go to the doctor.


使役動詞 make 後面跟著受詞 her,及不帶 to 的不定詞 go。

What made her take against me that way?


使役動詞 made 後面跟著受詞 her,及不帶 to 的不定詞 take。

使役動詞 made 後面跟著不帶 to 的不定詞 take。

使役動詞 made 後面跟著受詞 me,及不帶 to 的不定詞 cry。

My mother made me _______ for being rude.

(A) apologize (B) apologizing (C) apologized (D) to apologize

Jenny plays the piano very well. Her mother makes her _______ two hours every day.

(A) practicing (B) practiced (C) practice (D) to practice

使役動詞 have

使役動詞 have 後面的受詞若是指,有「交付」某人任務,「叫、要求」某人做某事的意思,其後的動詞必須是動詞原式。受詞若是指事物,有「讓…(被)發生」的意思,其後的詞必須是過去分詞。

have (要求、讓…發生) +
+ 動詞原式

I had the handyman fix the leak.


使役動詞 had 後面跟著不帶 to 的不定詞(動詞原式) fix。

I've always had the dentist check my teeth after the cleaning.


使役動詞 had 後面跟著不帶 to 的不定詞(動詞原式)check。
在西方國家,清洗牙齒是 dental hygienist (牙科保健醫生)的工作。

使役動詞 have 後面跟著不帶 to 的不定詞 call。

使役動詞 have 後面跟著不帶 to 的不定詞 repair。

I'll have someone _______ my car tomorrow.

(A) fixed (B) fixing (C) to fix (D) fix

We just had our house painted.


使役動詞 had 的受詞指的是物 - "our house" (我們的房子)其後的動詞用過去分詞形式 painted, 「被」粉刷過。

I’m going to have my hair cut this weekend.


使役動詞 have 的受詞指的是物 "my hair", 這裡的動詞 cut 是過去分詞形式。

It is often easier and less time-consuming to replace a faulty coffee maker than to have it repaired.


使役動詞 have 的受詞 "it" 指的是物 "coffee maker" (咖啡機),repaired 是過去分詞形式。

使役動詞 have 後面的受詞若是指事物,有「讓」…(被)發生的意思,其後的動詞必須是過去分詞。

Instead of buying a new car, why don't you have your old one _______?

(A) fixing (B) fixes (C) to fix (D) fixed

使役動詞 get

使役動詞 get 有「叫」、「說服」、或「鼓勵」某人做某事的意思。使役動詞 get 後面的動詞用帶 to 的不定詞。

get (叫、說服、鼓勵) + + to + 動詞原式

No one can get him to wash the dishes!


使役動詞 get 有「說服」的意思,後面的動詞用帶 to 的不定詞 to wash。

I was nervous about asking Nancy to go to a movie with me, but my friend got me to try it.

對邀請 Nancy 和我一起去看電影這事我很緊張,但我的朋友鼓勵我去試了。

使役動詞 get 有「鼓勵」的意思,後面的動詞用帶 to 的不定詞 to try。

She can get her boyfriend to do anything for her.


使役動詞 get 有「叫」某人做某事的意思,後面的動詞用帶 to 的不定詞 to do。

使役動詞 get 有「鼓勵」的意思,後面的動詞用帶 to 的不定詞 to pat。

使役動詞 get 有「說服」的意思,後面的動詞用帶 to 的不定詞 to change。

I will _______ him to tell me the truth.

(A) get (B) hae (C) make (D) let

使役動詞 help

使役動詞 help 有「協助」某人做某事的意思。使役動詞 help 後面的動詞可以為帶 to 或不帶 to 的不定詞。

help (協助) + + (to) + 動詞原式

Her parents helped her start the business.
Her parents helped her to start the business.


使役動詞 help 後面的動詞可以為帶 to 或不帶 to 的不定詞。

The Internet helps me communicate with other people.
The Internet helps me to communicate with other people.


使役動詞 help 後面的動詞可以為帶 to 或不帶 to 的不定詞。

使役動詞 help 有「協助」某人完成某事的意思,其後的動詞可以為帶 to 或不帶 to 的不定詞。
多數人認為 help 後面的動詞以不帶 to 的不定詞較為順口。

Could you help me _______ my wall tomorrow?

(A) paints (B) paint (C) painting (D) painted


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