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文意選填 (98學年度學科能力測驗)

Familiar fables can be narrated differently or extended in interesting and humorous ways. The end of the famous fable ofThe Tortoise and the Hare” is well known to all: the tortoise wins the race against the hare. The moral lesson is that slow and steady wins the race. We all have grown up with this popular version, but the   fable can be extended with different twists. At the request of the hare, a second race is   and this time, the hare runs without taking a rest and wins. The moral lesson is that   and consistent will always beat slow and steady. Then it is the tortoise that   the hare to a third race along a different route in which there is a river just before the final destination. This time, the tortoise wins the race because the hare cannot swim. The moral lesson isFirst   your strengths, and then change the playing field to suit them.”

But the story continues. Both   know their own drawbacks and limitations very well; therefore, they jointly decide to have one last racenot to decide who the winner or loser is, but just for their own pleasure and satisfaction. The two   as a team. Firstly, the hare carries the tortoise on its back to the river. Then, the tortoise carries the hare and swims to the   bank of the river. Lastly, the hare carries the tortoise again on its back. Thus they reach the   line together. Overall, many moral lessons from the last match are highlighted. The most obvious one is the importance of  . Another moral which also means a great deal iscompetition against situations rather than against rivals.”

arranged challenges competitors cooperate fast finishing identify opposite same teamwork