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Expressions about eating and food...

source: www.focusenglish.com

FocusEnglish 刊登日常生活英語對話,簡單實用,特別挑出幾篇與您共享。


It tastes stale!

The two people in the dialogue below want to fix pork chops for dinner, but they later find out that the meat has gone bad....

Wayne: What are we going to eat for dinner?

Lilia: I'm going to fix some pork chops.

Wayne: I'm afraid the meat is rotten.

Lilia: That's strange! I just bought it the day before yesterday.

Wayne: Well, I forgot to put it in the refrigerator.

Lilia: Good for you! Now what should we eat?

Wayne: Why don't we eat out?

Lilia: Again? Weren't you just complaining that it's too expensive to eat out?

Wayne: Not when you're hungry.


fix 準備(一道菜) pork chops 豬排。 the meat is rotten. 肉發臭了。 the day before yesterday 前天。

I couldn't help it. They were so good!

Cindy is a little hungry. She wants to eat some cookies she bought last night, but she finds that all the cookies are gone...

Cindy: John, where are the cookies? Don't tell me you ate them all! Again!

John: Yes, I did. I couldn't help it. They were so good.

Cindy: I thought you didn't like cookies.

John: Well, I don't like cookies flavored with chocolate at all. But vanilla is different. I love them to death.

Cindy: Huh, I didn't know that.

John: Well, tell you what, vanilla cookies taste even better with a glass of cold milk.


can't help it 不自禁、無法抗拒。 I love them to death. 我愛死(愛極了)他們了。

How do you want your beef?

Maria eats out together with her friend. She orders roast beef and the waitress asks her how she wants her beef done ....

Waitress: Are you ready to order now?

Maria: Yes. I'll have some salad, roast beef, and mashed potatoes.

Waitress: How do you want the beef? Rare, medium, or well-done? Maria: Well-done. And easy on the salt, please.

Waitress: Sure. Anything to drink?

Maria: Do you have coffee or tea? I'd like decaf.

Waitress: Yes, we have both. Which one would you like, coffee or tea?

Maria: Iced tea, please. And easy on the ice.


燒烤牛肉(roast beef)和牛排(steak)烤的程度依人喜好而有不同,分:rare, medium rare, medium, medium well 以及 well-done 等熟度。因此餐館女服務生(Waitress)問瑪麗亞:How do you want the beef? 你的牛肉要有多熟?

easy on the salt 或 easy on the ice 少放點鹽或冰塊。