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Not Everyone in Need Has a Brick

By Michael Josephson


Related article: Forgive and Forget

A successful man known for his philanthropy was driving his new car through a poor part of town. He’d driven the route hundreds of times before on his way home.

A young boy tried to flag him down. The man was in a hurry and didn’t want to get involved, so he pretended he didn’t see the child. A traffic signal ahead turned red, though, and as he slowed for it, he heard a loud crash. The boy had thrown a brick at his car, denting the trunk.

"philanthropy" - 博愛; 仁慈。 "dent" - 使凹下

The man burst out of the car and grabbed him. “You juvenile delinquent!" he screamed. "You’ll pay for this or go to jail!”

I’m sorry, mister,” the boy cried. “My mom’s lying on the floor in our apartment. I think she’s dying. Our phone’s been cut off and I’ve been trying for ten minutes to get someone to stop. I didn’t know what else to do! Take me to jail, but please, call a doctor for my mom first.”

The man was filled with shame. “I’m a doctor. Where is she?”

The grateful boy took him to his apartment, and the doctor administered CPR and called an ambulance.

Will she live?” the boy sobbed.

Yes, son, she will,” the doctor said.

Then it’s worth going to jail. I’m so sorry I ruined your new car. You can take me in now.”

You’re not going anywhere,” the doctor said. “It was my fault you had to throw a brick to get my attention.”

"CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)" - 心肺復甦法。

The doctor made sure the boy was taken care of, and as he drove home he resolved not to fix the dent. He would keep it as a reminder that not everyone in need has a brick to throw.