Super Easy Reading
For ESL Beginners
您可以經由上面網站連結,找到100篇供初學英文者閱讀的超簡單短文,並有清晰、緩慢的發音,適合聽力練習。 我們僅列10篇,供您參考。
Birthday Card
Dora wanted to buy a card for her mother. Her mother’s birthday was next week. Dora loved her mom. She wanted to get a nice birthday card. She wanted a card that was pretty. She wanted a card that said the right thing. What was the right thing? The card must say, “I love you, Mom.” It must say, “Mom, you are the best mother in the world.” It must say, “I’m so happy that you are my Mom.” Those are all the right things for the card to say. But there was one more thing the card must say. It must say, “Happy Birthday!”
New Shoes
Lisa loves to go shopping. Tomorrow she is going shopping. She needs a new pair of shoes. She wants to buy a pair of red shoes. She thinks red shoes are pretty. She will buy a pair of shoes at the mall. Lisa usually shops at the mall. The mall is only a mile from her house. She just walks to the mall. It only takes her 20 minutes. Tomorrow she will go to four different shoe stores. Tomorrow is Saturday. The mall always has sales on Saturday. If the sale price is good, Lisa might buy two pairs of shoes.
Who Is It?
Joseph never opens the front door. When someone knocks on the front door, Joseph says, “Who is it?” But he does not open the door. His parents told him to keep the door closed. His parents want him to be safe. He will be safe if he doesn’t open the door. Yesterday someone knocked on the front door. “Who is it?” Joseph asked. “It’s the mailman,” the person said. “I cannot open the door,” Joseph said. “Okay, I will come back tomorrow,” the mailman said. “Goodbye,” Joseph said. Joseph is a good boy. He listens to his parents. He doesn’t open the door for any person.
A Funny Story
Barbara likes funny stories. She likes to hear funny stories. She likes to tell funny stories. She told her mom a funny story. When she finished, she waited for her mom to laugh. “Mom, why aren’t you laughing? That was a funny story,” Barbara said. “Oh, I’m sorry,” her mom said. “Sometimes you think something is funny, but someone else thinks it isn’t funny.” So, Barbara’s mom did not laugh at Barbara’s story. Barbara told the same story to her younger sister. Her younger sister laughed at the story.
Money in the Bank
Randy went to the bank. He needed money from the bank. The bank has all of Randy’s money. The bank keeps Randy’s money safe. Randy cannot keep his money at home. Someone might steal his money. He can’t hide his money in his back yard. A dog might find his money and eat it. He can’t hide his money in a tree. A bird might fly away with his money. Some people hide their money under their bed. Some people hide their money in their refrigerator. But that is not safe. Someone will look under the bed or in the refrigerator. The best place for people to keep money is in the bank.
Chocolate Milk
James took the milk out of the refrigerator. He put the carton of milk on the counter. He took the cap off the carton of milk. He opened the kitchen cabinet. He took a glass out of the cabinet. He put the glass on the counter next to the milk. He poured some milk into the glass. He put the cap back on the carton of milk. He put the milk back into the refrigerator. He took the chocolate syrup out of the refrigerator. He poured some chocolate syrup into the glass of milk. He stirred the milk with a spoon. He licked the spoon.
A New Baby
Ruth is pregnant. She is expecting a baby. The baby is due in two months. The baby is a boy. It is her first boy. She already has a little girl. Her little girl is two years old. Ruth loves her little girl. Her little girl is happy to get a baby brother. Ruth is eating for two people right now. She is very careful about what she eats and drinks. She eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. She eats fresh fish twice a week. She doesn’t drink alcohol or coffee. She doesn’t eat candy or potato chips. She stays away from cigarette smokers. She will have a healthy baby.
Apple for the Teacher
Andrew was in the third grade. He loved his teacher. His teacher was young. She was pretty. She was friendly. She helped Andrew add numbers. She helped Andrew draw dogs and cats. She helped Andrew learn to spell. Andrew gave his teacher an apple one day. He gave her an orange another day. He gave her a peach another day. His teacher thanked him. “Thank you for the apple,” she said the first day. “Thank you for the orange,” she said the second day. “Thank you for the peach,” she said the third day. Each day Andrew said, “You’re very welcome.”
Lulu’s Letter
Lulu’s mom gave Lulu a pencil. It was a yellow pencil. It was a number two pencil. It had a pink eraser. The eraser was small and round and pink. Lulu’s mom gave Lulu a piece of paper. It was a white piece of paper. There were blue lines on the white paper. Lulu wrote a letter to her grandma. Her letter said, “Dear Grandma, Hello, I love you.” Lulu told her mom she was done. Her mom looked at the letter. “This is a short letter,” her mom said. Lulu said, “Yes, Mom, it is a short letter. It is short but sweet.”