國中英語基測出現過 to 的考題。

Bruce found a note on his desk after he went back to his office.

To: Bruce Carter
From: Your wife
Time: 3:30 pm, Jan. 11th
1. Your son is much better, but he still has to stay
in the hospital.
2. Don't forget to prepare dinner for the dog and
take out the garbage.
3. Put Judy to bed at 10:00 p.m.
Call back:
  Yes v No
* This note is written by:  Jerry
note 字條
message 留言
According to the note, what should Mr. Carter do this evening?
Call Mrs. Carter.
Give the dog food.
Stay in the hospital.
Take Judy out for dinner.
What can we infer from the note?
infer 推論
Jerry is Mr. Carter's son.
Mr. Carter should go to bed before 10:00 pm.
Mrs. Carter was very sick in the hospital.
Mr. Carter was out when Mrs. Carter called.