國中英語基測出現過 die 的考題。

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in London on April 21, 1926. No one thought one day she 1 the queen of the UK. After her grandfather, King George V, died in 1936, Elizabeth’s uncle, Prince Edward, became King Edward VIII. Edward 2 in love with a married American woman long before, and he decided to marry her after he became the king. However, Edward was asked to choose between the throne and his love. Finally, he decided to give up the throne.

3 . After Edward VIII gave up the throne, Elizabeth’s father became King George VI. As the oldest child without any brothers, Elizabeth became next in line to the throne. She needed to say goodbye to her good old life and prepare to be a queen. After her father died in 1952, she became Queen Elizabeth II.

Ever since she became head of her country, Queen Elizabeth II 4 : She has held meetings with important people in the UK, and has visited many foreign countries. In the few hours she keeps to herself, however, she reads and enjoys horseback riding.

throne 王位
has become
would become
had become
had fallen
would fall
is falling
has fallen
It was good news to Elizabeth and her family
It was not easy to give up the throne
This part of history made the UK a strong country
This changed Elizabeth’s life
has been the queen of the UK for a long time
has worked hard for the UK
has brought the people of the UK much closer
has been popular with the people of the UK