國中英語基測出現過 to 的考題。

Lingua Today

May 5, 1995

There are about 6,000-7,000 languages spoken in the world. However, almost one language dies every two weeks. It means many languages are getting near the end of their lives. Take Navajo for example. It is one of the languages spoken by the native people of North America. Today, more and more Navajo children grow up learning and speaking only English. Most of them do not even know what the 3,000-year-old Navajo language sounds like.

Chart 1 below shows that from 1980 to 1990, the percentage (%) of young Navajos (Age: 5-17) who speak only English grew quickly. Chart 2 shows that in 1992, many Navajo children under the age of six spoke English well, but not many of them spoke their parents’ language well. Clearly, the Navajo language may soon be lost if we don’t do something about it.

native 原生的;原住(民)的
chart 圖表
What is the reading mostly about?
What makes the Navajo language different from English.
Why more and more Navajos learn English.
Plans to save the Navajo language.
Facts that show the Navajo language is dying.
Which is NOT said or implied in the reading?
About 6,000-7,000 languages around the world are now dead.
Many languages die every year.
The Navajo language is still spoken in North America.
The Navajo language has been spoken for 3,000 years.
From the charts, which is true?
In 1980, less than 10% of young Navajos could speak only English.
In 1990, less than 30% of young Navajos could speak their native language.
In 1992, more than 70% of Navajo children under six could speak English well.
In 1992, more than 30% of Navajo children under six could speak both Navajo and English well.