國中英語基測出現過 to 的考題。

Debbie: Sorry, I'm late.

Sharon: I can't believe it! You're two hours late!

Debbie: My car broke down on the road. I forgot to bring my cell phone, and there was no public phone around. So I walked 30 minutes to find one, but it was broken, too! Then it took me another 30 minutes to get a taxi and come here.

Sharon: Where's your car then?

Debbie: It's somewhere outside town.

Sharon: So what are you going to do now?

Debbie: I need to get someone to go and fix it. Can I use your cell phone?

Sharon: Sure. But how about the dinner? It's your birthday.

Debbie: New Age is open until 12 o'clock. If you're not in a hurry, we can still go after my car is fixed. Then we can go see a movie, and then....

Sharon: OK, OK, here's my cell phone.

break down 故障
What do we learn about Debbie?
She wants to celebrate her birthday with Sharon.
She is going to buy a new car.
She has to go home before 12 at night.
She forgot Sharon's phone number.
What does it mean?
The taxi.
The public phone.
Debbie's car.
Debbie's cell phone.
What is New Age?
A movie.
A restaurant.
A town.
A factory.