國中英語基測出現過 to 的考題。

Shopping at Home

"What? It's Mother's Day? Oh, I have been so busy these days. I haven't bought a present for my mom!"

"Oh! I forgot today's Mary's birthday! What should I do? The stores are all closed!"

Do you ever have these problems? Don't worry. Now you have Last Moment. More than 3,000 presents are ready for you at www.lastmoment5.com. Buy one on the computer and we will send it to you ON THE SAME DAY or THE NEXT DAY!


Who may need the service of Last Moment most?
Ian. He plans to buy a new house in the future.
John. He wants to buy a gift for his wife on the Internet.
Amy. She enjoys going shopping in department stores.
Elsa. She is looking for a computer store near her house.
Allen enjoys the service of Last Moment. Which may be the main reason?
He will get a surprise package on his birthday.
It is fast and convenient.
He will have a chance to meet new friends.
It is old and famous.